Mother Blog

Thursday, December 29, 2011

What I learned.

In kindergarden, it was easy for kids to get along with someone you've never met. You didn't have a reputation, well unless you were the kid who got caught picking their nose. In High School, we form our own judgement on others, and establish our own cliques. When I walk into class, I can almost see the line that divides the students from each other. 
I was always scared to walk into class knowing I didn't fit into any of the groups. This caused me to be shy in all of my classes. I remember my freshmen year in health class, during feelings friday a sophomore said I seemed wise. They only thought that because I never talked.

Junior year, in mrs.Mckennas room. 218 to be exact, was the typical high school class. You had the jocks, the geeks, the drama nerds, the girls who brought alcohol in water bottles (okay there was only one girl who actually did that) the asians, and any other stereotype you can think of, all smashed together in one room. Now mrs.mckenna somehow, with her crazy ideas brought us all together. She also somehow, made me feel comfortable in high school. 
I miss mrs.mckenna's classroom assignments, they were truly life altering. To make a teenager focus, that involves a hell of an imagination. One time she made me be in a skit, and at last second gave me a scarf to stuff up my shirt. I was shy, and hated attention, yet I had fun. In every assignment, she'd have us show each other what we really thought of each other. Nothing was kept a secret. That year I learned, to not be afraid to write my opinions.
This year, the class is full of different kids, but the same type of cliques as last years. We're not together. We don't trust each other, but that's okay. Because I learned, from mr.good instead. I learned to write what I know. Everyday he would have us write something. This was extremely difficult for me at first, but with in the first week I actually enjoyed writing. I would go back and read my past entries, and sometimes that would inspire me to write something in more depth. Also, it was just a good way to create. To just write, and not plan. To let the pen touch the blank paper, and let it carrie it's own flow. I've learned a lot from mr.good, but for the first time i've learned a lot from myself. 

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