Mother Blog

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I always look forward to the big things in life. My first car, my graduation, going to college, and of course my first love. We all believe that there's always something bigger, something better beyond what we have. What I really want to remember is all the little things that make my life worth living. 
The little things that help me wake up in the morning. The smile that my nephew gives me, that makes me wonder how long his innocence will last. I want to remember that feeling of when my crush smiles at me in the hall, whether that was freshman year or now. The feeling of being a kid, flying on swings just to feel the rush of wind against my face, as my feet kick the sky. I'll aways remember my friends, and most of all my enemies, who forced me to be stronger. I'll remember the first time I took the subway, I was scared shitless because my teacher got stuck in the doors.  I'll always remember to bring my dignity to a party, or else you'll be puking it up later.
Most of all I will remember my grandpa who taught me how to forgive. If I could pick anything to remember it would be forgiveness. It repairs the heart, and makes me confident that nothing or no one can give me. Forgiveness is easier said than done, at times I loose this, but sense the day my grandpa died I respect myself and others. Hopefully with forgiveness we can all grow to be happy. 

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